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"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery"
— Mark Van Doren

Making Award Cord

Award Cord Info
Cord making techniques: Finger Braid * Fingerloop Braiding * Kumihimo Braiding * Lucet Cordmaking * Spool Knitting & Knitting Looms * Whipcord Braiding * Weaving: Inkle or Tablet

Award Cord Info

In Caid most kingdom and local awards are medallions that are presented threaded onto a cord to be worn around the recipient’s neck.

Now-a-days these cords are mostly made by the populace in a variety of techniques.

There are some requirements regarding size and, for a few awards, the color / pattern of the cord. This info can be found on the Caid Award Cord page on Compendium Caidis (the Caid Wiki).

Cord making techniques

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